FORUM - ANUNȚURIRegular loads from Turkey to Balkans and Round trips


Regular loads from Turkey to Balkans and Round trips

Dear Sirs,

DSV and Panalpina is looking for new hauliers who want to cooperate with us on regular frigo loads from Turkey to Balkans.

We can offer you regular work within all Balkans countries and can make round trips. 

If you are interested in cooperation please contact us on : 

+ 359888501782 Mobile 



Merhabalar Sayin Ilgililer

2021 yili icin Turkiye-Balkanlar-Turkiye frigo tasimalari icin devamli calisacak partnerler ariyoruz. Yukleme yapicak araclarin isi raporu olmalidir. 





belisar d.o.o. logo

Categoria: Firma de transport/Expediție
Oras: Brcko,
Țară:BA - Bosnia și Herțegovina

neomat sro logo

Categoria: Firma de transport/Expediție
Oras: 34000 Istanbul,
Țară:TR - Turcia

CargoAgent.NET +385 1 777 6116, +381 11 414 6410, +90 850 4 663 663
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